Pronounced Ah-See
1) Used in place of an expletive
2) The noise made when jumping off of a building in Battlefield 2
Person 1 punches Person 2 in the arm

Person 2 "Aase!"
by VinnyVinnyChase October 22, 2009
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Aase Beate is a Swedish or Norwegian name. Mostly lady’s over 60 has the name Aase Beate. Is there is a kid or teenager that is called Aase Beate she is probably shy, but smart. She is overthinking and is very stubborn, but she cares about others feelings and she’s insecure
Guy 1: i got a snap from Aase Beate!! Hahah
Guy 2: Ahhaha who is that??
by Solveig Trobak December 1, 2021
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Aase Beate is a Swedish or Norwegian name. Mostly lady’s over 60 has the name Aase Beate. Is there a kid or teenager that is called Aase Beate she is probably shy, but smart. She is overthinking and is very stubborn, but she cares about others feelings and she’s insecure.
Guy 1: yo, hot a snap from Aase Beate?
Guy 2: who’s that?
by Solveig Trobak December 9, 2021
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Someone that used ketchup on his burger, and then later put it on the grill.
by M475 May 3, 2017
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